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A Bit About our first Young International Women of Service, Olivia Allen

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July 2, 2023 (Portland, ME)  Crossroads, Young American Women of Service International Pageant held in Portland, Maine, crowned Olivia Allen of Fargo N.D. as the inaugural Young International Woman of Service. Olivia, a West Fargo High School junior, stood out among the remarkable contestants for her exceptional dedication to serving others and positively impacting her community.

Olivia founded her nonprofit organization called Warm Blanket Hugs. Through this organization, Olivia brings comfort and warmth to those in need, touching the lives of countless individuals. Her selflessness and commitment have earned her the admiration and respect of her peers and community members.  Olivia also raises awareness about epilepsy and seizure first aid. Being crowned the first Young International Woman of Service is a testament to her outstanding leadership and unwavering passion for making a difference, proving that age is no barrier to creating meaningful change.
In addition to her community service work, Olivia enjoys spending her spare time engaging in outdoor activities. She loves being at the lake, shooting bows, or kayaking.
Olivia will continue to inspire others with her dedication, kindness, and philanthropic endeavors during her reign. She serves as a role model for young individuals across the US, demonstrating the power of compassion and the impact one person can make.


Learn more about Olivia's nonprofit at:


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